Sunday School Creative Arts Festival Award Ceremony & More... - 08/18/19

On Sunday 18, 2019, our Sunday School Students were handed out their prizes for competing in the Creative Arts Festivals at the Parish Life Conference in Raleigh, NC. With so many 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, our Cathedral once more rises up to her expectations and overwhelmingly brings home many prizes. This is all thanks to the hard labor of our Sunday School Staff, the parents, and most importantly, our Children. 
On this Sunday also, the children were annointed with Holy Oil from the Altar Table, as a blessing. After being prayed upon by Fr. Joseph, they were annointed with the Oil of Regeneration so that the Holy Spirit guides their ways during this upcoming School year. 
Finally, the new Sunday School Officers and Staff were inducted. With an emotional ceremony, former Sunday School Principal was honored with a beautiful Icon of the Theotokos for her years of hard work and dedication to our Sunday School Program. We want to congratulate Mrs. Andrea Abu-Akel for her new position as Sunday School Principal. May God illumine her leadership and strengthen our Sunday School Program!